CombirepelTM is a non-toxic, non-hazardous and environmentally safe animal/bird and insect aversive designed to keep away different species of birds, animals, and insects and specifically rodents and termites. The niche product has been designed on the principles of green chemistry while at the same time considering the demands of various downstream applications for which its use has been developed for including polymeric, coating and construction applications.
Developed on the lines of green chemistry, CombirepelTM works on a series of intricate mechanisms following a unique 10-pronged strategy to keep away rodents and termites/insects. The mechanism works in a way so as to act as a deterrent disallowing the rodents or insects to damage the treated application and thus safeguarding the same; in the process also allowing for the safety of human health, target and, non-target species and the environment.
Effectiveness and Compatibility
Both these products have been extensively tested both in house as well as by reputed government testing institutes such as The Haffkine Institute of Training, Testing and Research, Bombay; the Indian
Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad and so on in various applications such as cables, pipes at various loadings for their efficacy and have been found to be successfully evaluated effective
anti-rodent and anti-termite products.
CombirepelTM is available in the form of a concentrate and the standard range is available based on LDPE and EVA polymeric granules. Customized concentrates for very specific applications are also
offered. The recommended addition level of these concentrates is 1%-5%. It is effective over a very long span of time (15-40 years).
CombirepelTM is compatible with all kinds of thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers such as PE, XLPE, PP, PVC, polyesters, epoxies and paints: both water and oil-based.
CombirepelTM is available in the form of concentrate based on LDPE as well as EVA polymeric granules. It is also available as:
Polybrominated biphenyl flame retardants - (PBB)
Dilute water-based solution for fabrics and textiles
Paint additive Concentrate for all kinds of paint
A solution in kerosene or any paint miscible solvent
50% concentrated Nano granular form
CFC-free Aerosol Spray Grades for automobiles, medical equipment, hospitals, restaurants, waste management, schools, military applications, etc.
Direct application Lacquers
As CombirepelTM is effective at parts per million levels; it does not interfere with the physical or chemical properties of polymers or compounded polymers. It is designed to withstand the extreme heat of polymer processing as also enhanced and uniform dispersion along the length of the polymer matrix. The suggested loading in polymers is 500 parts per million or 0.05%. At such small loadings, the physical properties of the polymers or the compounding process are not at all affected.
CombirepelTM has been incorporated as an aerosol spray, used as a gel to protect from woodpeckers & other birds, used on roofs. CombirepelTM has been very successfully added to wires & cables, plastic screens & sidings, railway doors & windows, seats, wires & cables used in automobiles.
The mechanism works in a way so as to act as a deterrent disallowing the rodents or insects to damage the treated application and thus safeguarding the same; in the process also allowing for the safety of human health, target, and non-target species and the environment.
For rodents and animals/ birds:
For termites and insects:
CombirepelTM acts as an aversive by way of which the application when treated with the same merely keeps the termites/insects away rather than killing them.
Feeding Disruption
CombirepelTM triggers an unpleasant reaction within any insect which might try to feed on the application, ensuring that it is kept away from feeding on the treated area.
Oviposition Deterrence
CombirepelTM temporarily impairs the ability of insects to reproduce, i.e. the female will not lay eggs or the laid eggs will be infertile.
Growth Inhibition
CombirepelTM temporarily blocks the reproduction system of the insects by hindering the release of the vital hormones for growth.
Mating Disruption
CombirepelTM temporarily inhibits the mating cycle of the insects.
Chemo Sterilization
CombirepelTM Temporarily hampers the reproduction cycle of insects by sterilization.